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Author: adminBee
Lolin32 fix for low deep sleep current
Lolin32 is an easy go-to board for quick prototypes and low quantity production runs requiring ESP32. They are supposed to be (Wemos) Lolin32, but find no mention whatsoever on wemos site! So it looks like a cheap, mass-produced clone on D32. The good thing about the board is that it has plenty of GPIO pins… Continue reading Lolin32 fix for low deep sleep current
Designing the world’s tiniest WiFi sensor boards
One of the tiniest ESP32 based boards is named PicoClick and measures a mere 10.5mm by 18mm! Although it only features only a push button as an input with no other sensor, it uses a USB C interface for both power and programming. Neat. But could we do better? One of our tiniest boards (non-wireless)… Continue reading Designing the world’s tiniest WiFi sensor boards
SwitchBee MagSense poster
Support right inside!
To ensure that you can raise support issues easily and directly from the SenseSight dashboard, we have added a new context menu to each device. Just let us know what help/ support you need and click Submit. This triggers an email and dashboard alert to us at Tinkerbee and we will endeavor to reach out… Continue reading Support right inside!
Smart retail strategy- StockBee®
Empower your brick and mortal consumer goods retail strategy to compete with modern e-commerce. Address the infamous stockout conundrum where even if your products are present in the warehouse they are often not moved replenish your retail shelves in time. 50% of retail shelf stock-outs are caused by inefficiencies in shelf restocking. Most of these… Continue reading Smart retail strategy- StockBee®
EyeBee® Pro
Based on feedback from our early customers, we have developed a Pro version of EyeBee. EyeBee® is a compact smart board that incorporates a state-of-the-art ToF depth sensor. This gives them good accuracy, a very compact sensor build and a long battery life. The following are the improvements: a. Longer and more stable battery life.… Continue reading EyeBee® Pro
TempBee Lora
Measuring just 9cm x 4cm x 2.5cm and a magnetic back-pane allowing it to be stuck on any metallic surface, TempBee is a simple, zero-config Lorawan(tm) temperature sensor that just works. Wanna monitor the temperature in your cold-storage unit? Just stick this unit on and you’re ready to go! View all the data on our… Continue reading TempBee Lora
Our SenseSight™ dashboard has a new look!
At Tinkerbee we believe that data and information can really empower you and your business. Our mantra is #quantifiedEverything to #maximizeLife! Nothing helps more than a nicely designed dashboard that helps literally ‘paint a picture’ of the state in which various parts of your business are in. That’s why we call our dashboard SenseSight. We’ve… Continue reading Our SenseSight™ dashboard has a new look!
All new LoraBaseBee for LoRaWAN™
We have received a new set of boards designed for LoRaWAN™ versions of TempBee™ and StockBee®. These are based on SAMR34, low power SoC from Microchip Inc. Really compact (a regular AA Duracell battery shown for comparison), multi-sensor capable, with 2 x AA Alkaline/ 1 x 3.6V LiSoCl 14450/ external regulated 3.3V. The low power… Continue reading All new LoraBaseBee for LoRaWAN™