
Customer-obsessed e-commerce businesses, especially hyper-local logistics, are dependent on accurate and swift information about local weather conditions.
For example, information on start / stop of rain in a specific locale can help them bridge demand-supply gap with prompt communication on incentives for delivery associates / drivers servicing rainy locales; also, swiftly notify customers about surcharges or weather themed sales callouts.

WeatherBee relays real-time weather updates for small neighborhoods almost instantly to help managers brace for and corelate weather-induced changes in business.

Reach out now to to know more!


  • Truly wireless – battery operated & wireless transmission
  • Truly Smart low-power IoT module + LoRa* bandwidth
  • Truly small – 160x90x30 mm; near zero config UX
  • 128Bit AES encrypted end-to-end
  • Up to 3 years battery life with AA Alkaline batteries
  • Real-time instant weather updates; < 2 minute latency
  • Readily available APIs for integration under 30 minutes!
  • Temperature measuring range -20°C to 65°C / -4°F to 149°F
  • Atmospheric Pressure range 300 to 100 hPa
  • Humidity Scale 0 to 100
  • Rain Intensity Scale 0 to 5
  • Power Supply Voltage 3.3 Volts

Reach out to to know more about WeatherBee!