Box pack for SwitchBee MagSense

Check out the first version of our packaging design for SwitchBees! All black 5.5 x 5.5 x 1.5 cm box with mono-color box graphics.

Categorized as Technology

Migrated LoRaWAN gateway to TTN V3

We have recently moved our gateway to the new The Things Network V3 platform! Its sleeker and better than the old one. We seem to be the only live gateway on V3 in Bengaluru/ Bangalore INDIA for now!

Categorized as Technology

TempBee V4

We have completely upgraded and redesigned our TempBee devices. This is what the new avatar looks like: TempBees have an awesome updated v4 firmware that supports offline data backup of upto 500 data points and auto-sync, secure and fast device WiFi configuration from SenseSight dashboard apart from everything else that the older versions supported. These… Continue reading TempBee V4

Designing AgriBee V2

AgriBee is an intelligent multi-sensory device which when deployed in an agricultural/ farming/ gardening/ horticulture setup, helps monitor vital statistics that directly correlate to the plant growth and enables optimal utilization of resources like water, atmospheric moisture or temperature (especially in case of green-houses/ other controlled farming environments). After deploying the first version of AgriBee… Continue reading Designing AgriBee V2

Our test TTN gateway

Our test TTN gateway has been live for just over a year in Bengaluru, Karnataka India. beeKeeper Its surprising to see that over 25,000 messages have passed through it so far 🙂

Danta by Vaata

Glad to announce the beta launch of Danta by Vaata, a smart ‘industrial’ hand sanitizer dispenser. The first commercial product launch with Tinkerbee Inside powering all the embedded and API smarts 🙂 QC tests are now in progress (as of end-October 2020) and the product should be available in the market soon. Do reach out… Continue reading Danta by Vaata

LPWAN, LoRaWAN, NB-IoT: An introduction. Plain and simple

“I see people” Once upon a time there was the simple Internet and it was designed for people to exchange content with each other. Since it was implied that this Internet of People (IoP) was for obviously for people, it was simply known as the Internet. “People; meet Things” Then came the Things. Smart devices,… Continue reading LPWAN, LoRaWAN, NB-IoT: An introduction. Plain and simple